We have been using the "real" account only till now. But now we are exceeded with bot limit hence can't use it further. Getting below error while creating new bot. Service fail, HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request, {“code”:400,“message”:“Active bot limit exceed”} So if there a way we can sort this issue out, please do let us know. I have created separate post for this too. https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/community/bot/249
Bot 2017.10.17
We have tried it already but was getting below error. Tried today as well and it's still the same. { "errorMessage": "Api not exists", "errorCode": "051" } URL: https://apis.worksmobile.com/jp1JNUVmMiYAD/message/updateBot/v2 Method: POST I can send you the screen shot also if you want of calling the API from postman.
Bot 2017.10.18
Thanks that worked. Have left the space at the end during copy paste. :)
Can you please update us? We are planning to add this functionality and demonstrate it during our participation of an event scheduled on this Friday.
SSO 2018.01.31
Hi There, Thanks for the response. We have already tried that solution but devise has the auth url implemented as POST method (POST http://localhost:3000/users/saml/auth), so even if ACS called with GET we can't make it work with devise. After changing ProtocolBinding to GET its showing 404 not found. but the same url can be accessible with POST. Is there any work around you are aware of? Devise SAML which we are using with Line SAML : https://github.com/apokalipto/devise_saml_authenticatabl
SSO 2018.02.01
Thanks, it is working with protocol binding. We need to change settings.assertion_consumer_service_binding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" to settings.protocol_binding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" to make it work.
SSO 2018.02.03
It looks like the time is same.. Copied it from Log. saml: Auth errors: Current time is earlier than NotBefore condition (2018/04/03 04:34 < 2018/04/03 04:34)
SSO 2018.04.04
Thanks for update. You are right, it should be saml and not sami. We will check with client and get back.
SSO 2018.06.20
Thank you very much for your answer, Is there any way to store any value in LINEWORK application web-view? like Cookies or in session variable?
Bot 2021.08.11
弊社のシステムで現在LINEWORKSとのSSO認証を実装しております。 弊社システムからお客様のLINEWORKSに通知を配信し、通知にあるURLからLINEWORKSのSSO認証を通して、弊社システムにログインさせるような機能です。 なお、ログインするために毎回LINEWORKSのIDを入力するのはユーザーに対しては手間であり、一回ログインしたら、IDをブラウザのCookie(クッキ)に保存して、2回目からのログインの時にcookieに保存されたIDで1クリックでログインできるような仕組みにしました。 上記は全部LINEWORKSの内部ブラウザで行います。 7月までは本機能は問題なく実施されたのですが、もしかしたら、7月のLINEWORKSアプリの更新後に内部ブラウザにてCookieを保存されなくなりました。従って、本機能は運用できなくなりました。 LINEWORKSの内部ブラウザで運用できないのであれば、外部ブラウザにURLを開けるような対策を考えました。 ただし"openExternalBrowser=1"のパラメタでも外部ブラウザの対応ができませんでした。 以下2点ご教示いただければと思います。 ① LINEWORKSの内部ブラウザにCookie(クッキ)を保存する方法。 ② LINEWORKSから外部ブラウザにURLを開く方法。