I am using LineWorks Message Bot api to notify our end user, but getting complain from users that they are getting messages not in a same time. Example: from my system I send notification to User A, B and C now users are getting messages like: User A: after 1 minute User B: after 5 minute User C: after 25 minutes We checked at our end is there any calling delayed at our end but we are not found that. We called API for all three users at a same time. Now we need help from your end: - Is there any
Bot 2021.08.31 既読 1986
弊社のシステムで現在LINEWORKSとのSSO認証を実装しております。 弊社システムからお客様のLINEWORKSに通知を配信し、通知にあるURLからLINEWORKSのSSO認証を通して、弊社システムにログインさせるような機能です。 なお、ログインするために毎回LINEWORKSのIDを入力するのはユーザーに対しては手間であり、一回ログインしたら、IDをブラウザのCookie(クッキ)に保存して、2回目からのログインの時にcookieに保存されたIDで1クリックでログインできるような仕組みにしました。 上記は全部LINEWORKSの内部ブラウザで行います。 7月までは本機能は問題なく実施されたのですが、もしかしたら、7月のLINEWORKSアプリの更新後に内部ブラウザにてCookieを保存されなくなりました。従って、本機能は運用できなくなりました。 LINEWORKSの内部ブラウザで運用できないのであれば、外部ブラウザにURLを開けるような対策を考えました。 ただし"openExternalBrowser=1"のパラメタでも外部ブラウザの対応ができませんでした。
Bot 2021.08.11 既読 5883
Hi There, We got a complain from client not able to register Bot with line works. We have investigated and found the API registerBotDomain/v2 which was earlier working fine is giving below error now. API: https://apis.worksmobile.com/#{line_work_api_id}/message/registerBotDomain/v2 Request: { botNo: bot_no (passed from registerBot/v2 api response), domainId: 0 (passing it as 0 from beginning) } Response: code: "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" errorCode: "090" errorMessage: "Service
Bot 2018.11.08 既読 2039
Hi There, We have implemented SSO in our website (http://smartflow.vebuin.com) to allow our customer to login to our web site using line works credentials. It is working fine. However we have couple of clients complaining about being presented with blank white screen after entering the credentials on line works login page. We have investigated it further and came to know the request in such case never reached to our server and got stuck at line works end only. The proof is that the URL in browse
SSO 2018.06.15 既読 3497
Hi There, We are working on line works SSO where we allow our users to get into our system from line works credentials. It was working fine on our staging instance but recently we are having an issue. We are getting below error consistently now. Auth errors: Current time is earlier than NotBefore. Some time we found it working also but most of the time we are getting this error only. Our staging instance is on Amazon EC-2 in Oregon region. Googling on the issue we found there might be some issue
SSO 2018.04.04 既読 2436
We have implemented SSO using saml 2.0, lifeworks as IDP and our product SP. In browser it is working fine But we want to implement single sign-on in lifeworks application. Is there anyway to implement it?
SSO 2018.03.31 既読 1522
Hi There, We are trying to implement SAML based authentication for our customers through below link. https://developers.worksmobile.com/kr/document/1001006 We are able to send the SAML request and it opens Lines works login page too. However, when submitting the credentials it calls ACS url with GET method. I think as per your documentation it should be POST. I have set ACS URL as below and same is set in devise gem with Ruby on Rails application for SAML authentication. http://<my host name&
SSO 2018.01.27 既読 3346
Anyone can view all written contents. Do not enter any private information such as an account name, domain name, API ID and ConsumerKey. Hi There, We are using Line works for our production environment to send out messages through bot. During out testing phase we have mistakenly created plenty of Bots and run out of the limit to create more bots. We are yet to complete the testing hence would like to delete the old bots so we can continue create a new bots. I understand we are suppose to use san
Bot 2017.10.16 既読 2624
We are Integrating our current system with Line Message bot. so that we can send notification to Line Talk. For development, we are trying to use sandbox account. we have created sandbox accounts from developer console. We have added new accounts in sandbox for further development and testing. but not able to login in sandbox account.
Bot 2017.10.16 既読 2021