Not able to delete Message Bots
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Hi There,
We are using Line works for our production environment to send out messages through bot. During out testing phase we have mistakenly created plenty of Bots and run out of the limit to create more bots. We are yet to complete the testing hence would like to delete the old bots so we can continue create a new bots.
I understand we are suppose to use sandbox to carry out the testing but we are facing issue there too. Have created separate thread for it. So can you please let us know if there is a way we can remove the existing Bot?
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LINE WORKS 公式アカウント
Delete API will be released in the next update.
업데이트 된 답글입니다.
シャーバビック 投稿者
"errorMessage": "Api not exists",
"errorCode": "051"
Method: POST
I can send you the screen shot also if you want of calling the API from postman.
업데이트 된 답글입니다.
LINE WORKS 公式アカウント
Please rewrite that URL without "no-break space."
업데이트 된 답글입니다.
シャーバビック 投稿者
今すぐ実際に使用しているLINE WORKSユーザーに質問してみましょう。